
Most Original Band Contest should be called "Probing Digit Show"

Local FM station Channel 103.1 has very wisely selected the area's most original (and talented) band to perform at The Most Original Band Contest.  This was a natural decision, and therefore comes as no surprise.  Other entries (out of formality) include some of the area's no-names-needed run of the mill acts.


Though Probing Digit's enviably spectacular catalog of musical brilliance is enough to win any competition simply by reciting the song titles, it is highly recommended that you attend this performance so they don't dry-fire all over the unsuspecting fans of the other "bands."  This has known to cause deaths in the past.

So if you don't want blood on your hands, come take our load off at Northern Lights on August 14th.


The World is About to Change

June 6th of 2009 marked the day Probing Digit began producing the Universe's Greatest Album - or UGA #1. Our second album "The Brown Album" will be globally and universally considered UGA #2 upon its release, and so on. After over a year of taking it at our own goddamn pace, because we know what's best, we are about to wrap it up and release it to your mother, and the rest of the world. You can thank us after you hear it - when you're able to talk again.

Recording vocals for "My Love"

Heat is a natural byproduct of The One's vocal brilliance, so he gets specially prepared.